Expedition 2019

Ojos del Salado, Puna de Atacama

  • download of the data loggers (4200-6893 m asl)
  • instrument change as required
  • drone-based, high accuracy 3D and geomorphological mapping in the abandoned glacier valley on the northern flank of Ojos del Salado (5200-5400 m asl)
  • drone-based high accuracy 3D mapping of a poligonal field (4200 m asl), and a megaripple-system (5300 m asl)
  • microbilological sampling from a high altitude lake sediment (5900 m asl)

Antuco region

  • field trip, geomorphological and sedimentological investigations and study of the accessibility for the site determination of the planned monitoring system

Torres del Paine

  • field trip, geomorphological and sedimentological investigations and study of the accessibility for the site determination of the planned monitoring system

Permachile in numbers

Number of data
Temperature change